NHS Views on MAG Form V4.0
An NHS England news item on medical revalidation dated 20 October 2015 at https://www.england.nhs.uk/revalidation/2015/10/20/appraisal-vehicles/ contains “Important information about changes to appraisal support tools and appraisal vehicles”.
It states “ … medical appraisals for doctors with a prescribed connection to NHS England may be undertaken using the Medical Appraisal Guide Model Appraisal Form (MAG Form) or another format which, as a minimum, replicates the information presented in the MAG Form” … and it “functions as a suitable no-cost option for an appraisal vehicle accepted and recognised by NHS England”. A comment by NHS England at the bottom of the item states that “although not compulsory, we would encourage use of the new MAG form (due March 2016), which is intended as an example of a repository that holds the information required for a medical appraisal”.
An NHS England news item dated 31 March 2016 at https://www.england.nhs.uk/revalidation/2016/03/31/updated-mag-form/ includes further information on the new MAG Form plus a summary of the V4.0 improvements.
Please contact John Jarvis at Evenlogic for more information.
Tel: 020 8876 8878, Email: info@evenlogic.co.uk